Veterinary Surgeries

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At Harbourside Vet Care we're committed to helping pet owners provide the best care for your furry friends. This page is packed with helpful advice, ranging from nutrition and exercise to behavioural training and preventative care. Whether you're a new pet owner or looking to enhance your pet care routine, our tips are designed to support the well-being of your pets, helping them lead happy, healthy lives.

Contact us to learn more about caring for your pet.


Harbourside Vet Care routinely performs desexing procedures for dogs, cats and rabbits. Appointments are required for this surgical procedure which is performed Monday to Friday. Desexing is an effective way to prevent unwanted pregnancies, health issues and help reduce behavioral problems.

We generally recommend desexing dogs and cats at 6 months of age, as young animals are more likely to recover quickly from the anaesthetic. We may recommend some dog breeds to be desexed later than 6 months, however this will be discussed in a consultation with a Vet.

Desexing surgery is a day procedure and all pets are admitted in the morning discharged from the hospital with pain relief in the afternoon.

If your pet is not microchipped, we can arrange this at the same time and assist you with the paperwork required for registering your pet with local council.

Soft Tissue Surgery

Harbourside Vet Care is equipped with modern anaesthetic monitoring and surgical equipment.

Our staff is highly trained and experienced to perform advanced soft tissue surgical procedures.

Some of the common surgeries that we perform are listed below:

  • Skin – Lumps/tumours, skin flap, reconstructive surgery, wounds, dog fight wounds, cat bite abscess surgery and more
  • Ear Surgery – Aural haematoma, total ear canal removal for chronic ear infections and tumours
  • Eye Surgery – Cherry eye, entropion, eye lid tumour, third eye lid flap for corneal ulcer, grid keratotomy
  • Airway Surgery – Stenotic nares, elongated soft palate, laryngeal paralysis
  • Gastrointestinal – Blockage or foreign body removal, twisted bowels, bowel cancers, intestinal biopsy
  • Exploratory Laparotomy – Biopsy, abdominal masses such as splenic tumours, liver tumours
  • Hernia Repair – Umbilical, inguinal, perineal
  • Oncology Surgery – Tumour/lump/mass removal
  • Urinary – Bladder stones/calculi, urethral obstruction
  • Reproductive – Pyometra, emergency cesarean surgery
  • Anal Gland Removal – For chronic anal gland infections, anal gland tumours

If you have any questions or need an estimate regarding a surgery,

please call us or come in to book a consultation

Orthopaedic Surgery 

Some of the most common orthopedic procedures we perform include:

  1. Cruciate ligament rupture/cruciate ligament disease/anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is the most commonly performed orthopaedic surgery. We are fully equipped to perform both extracapsular and geometric modifying procedures (MMP-TTA) within the clinic. Our surgeon is well trained. We provide the highest level of pain relief including epidural analgesia before, during and after the surgery tailor made to each patient ensuring highest level of patient comfort.
  2. Femoral head excision osteotomy for hip luxation
  3. Patella luxation surgery
  4. Repairing torn tendons
  5. Amputations

If you need a Estimate please call us to organise time for a consultation.

Benefit from our professional guidance and pet care tips. Call 08 8248 2111 for information.

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